580.494 Build an Imager, 1/2 Spring Semester, 2nd half only
Dr. Alejandro Sisniega (I helped to develop this course, but now Dr. Sisniega is leading and teaching the class. Some information below may be out-of-date.)
Course Description:
This course provides students with hands-on experience bridging theory learned in previous courses like Signals and Systems and applying this knowledge in real imaging systems. The course is experiment-driven and will provide an intermediate-level understanding of the physics, engineering, and algorithms in a relatively simple microscope imaging device. The class is intended for junior and senior undergraduates in Biomedical Engineering. Topics include basic optical physics, two-dimensional signal processing and modeling of optical systems, optical system characterization, and system identification.
Prerequisite courses include one of the courses 580.222 (Systems and Controls) or 520.214, and intermediate programming skills.
Additional Information:
- Build an Imager does not have a required text.
- All reading materials will be provided via Canvas.
- The class has sixteen microscope kits that will be provided to students with the hardware required to conduct course experiments.
- Enrollment is limited to 48 students – two sections, eight groups of three members (maximum).
- Hands-on experience and participation in class discussion are key elements of this course.
- Laboratories are conducted through an integrated Jupyter notebook for Python code to operate the microscope, perform data collections, and reporting of results.
580.493/580.693 Imaging Instrumentation, Spring Semester
Dr. Web Stayman
Course Description:
This course provides students with hands on experience with imaging system design, performance evaluation, and data processing using an experimental test-bench using an optical system model. The course is experiment- and project-driven and will provide an intermediate-level understanding of the physics, engineering, and algorithms in a number of different optical imaging scenarios. It is intended for senior undergraduates (580.493) and/or graduate students (580.693) in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, or related fields in science and engineering. Topics include measures of imaging performance, detector characterization, imaging with electromechanical elements, spectral imaging, optical tomography, and indirect imaging methods that rely on data processing.
Prerequisite courses include one of the courses 580.222 (Systems and Controls) or 520.214, and intermediate programming skills. Students concurrently enrolled in one or the other of these courses must obtain written permission from the Course Director for an exception allowing enrollment. Students must be proficient with Python.
Additional Information:
- Imaging Instrumentation does not have a required text.
- All reading materials will be provided via Canvas.
- The class has eight instrumentation kits that will be provided to students with the hardware required to conduct course experiments.
- Enrollment is limited to 24 students – eight groups of three members (maximum).
- Hands-on experience and participation in class discussion are key elements of this course.
- Roughly 2/3 of the class is dedicated to instructor-led experiments, in the last 1/3 of the course each group designs, develops, and reports on a final project of their own design.
- NOTES ABOUT REGISTRATION: To ensure equity, I handle all enrollments and my own waiting list. Students are given priority based on when they email me or when they attempt to register via SIS (whichever is earlier). Contact me at [email protected] for permission to take the course. I will want to ensure your background in Signals and Systems, competency in Python programming. I will also ask your department and year, which course you want to enroll in 493 or 693, and if I can share your email address with the class.
- Material from previous years: 580.493_693_Syllabus_Imaging_Instrumentation