Sarapata, Adrian; Stayman, J. Webster; Finkenthal, Michael; Siewerdsen, Jeffrey H.; Pfeiffer, Franz; Stutman, Dan
High energy x-ray phase contrast CT using glancing-angle grating interferometers. Journal Article
In: Medical physics, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 021904, 2014, ISSN: 0094-2405.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Phase-Contrast CT
title = {High energy x-ray phase contrast CT using glancing-angle grating interferometers.},
author = {Adrian Sarapata and J. Webster Stayman and Michael Finkenthal and Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen and Franz Pfeiffer and Dan Stutman},
url = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=PMC3981561},
doi = {10.1118/1.4860275},
issn = {0094-2405},
year = {2014},
date = {2014-02-01},
journal = {Medical physics},
volume = {41},
number = {2},
pages = {021904},
abstract = {PURPOSE The authors present initial progress toward a clinically compatible x-ray phase contrast CT system, using glancing-angle x-ray grating interferometry to provide high contrast soft tissue images at estimated by computer simulation dose levels comparable to conventional absorption based CT. METHODS DPC-CT scans of a joint phantom and of soft tissues were performed in order to answer several important questions from a clinical setup point of view. A comparison between high and low fringe visibility systems is presented. The standard phase stepping method was compared with sliding window interlaced scanning. Using estimated dose values obtained with a Monte-Carlo code the authors studied the dependence of the phase image contrast on exposure time and dose. RESULTS Using a glancing angle interferometer at high x-ray energy (∼ 45 keV mean value) in combination with a conventional x-ray tube the authors achieved fringe visibility values of nearly 50%, never reported before. High fringe visibility is shown to be an indispensable parameter for a potential clinical scanner. Sliding window interlaced scanning proved to have higher SNRs and CNRs in a region of interest and to also be a crucial part of a low dose CT system. DPC-CT images of a soft tissue phantom at exposures in the range typical for absorption based CT of musculoskeletal extremities were obtained. Assuming a human knee as the CT target, good soft tissue phase contrast could be obtained at an estimated absorbed dose level around 8 mGy, similar to conventional CT. CONCLUSIONS DPC-CT with glancing-angle interferometers provides improved soft tissue contrast over absorption CT even at clinically compatible dose levels (estimated by a Monte-Carlo computer simulation). Further steps in image processing, data reconstruction, and spectral matching could make the technique fully clinically compatible. Nevertheless, due to its increased scan time and complexity the technique should be thought of not as replacing, but as complimentary to conventional CT, to be used in specific applications.},
keywords = {Phase-Contrast CT},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Stutman, Dan; Stayman, J. Webster; Finkenthal, Michael; Siewerdsen, Jeffrey H.
High energy x-ray phase-contrast imaging using glancing angle grating interferometers Proceedings Article
In: Nishikawa, Robert M.; Whiting, Bruce R. (Ed.): Proc. SPIE, pp. 866814, 2013.
Links | BibTeX | Tags: Phase-Contrast CT
title = {High energy x-ray phase-contrast imaging using glancing angle grating interferometers},
author = {Dan Stutman and J. Webster Stayman and Michael Finkenthal and Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen },
editor = {Robert M. Nishikawa and Bruce R. Whiting},
url = {http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/proceeding.aspx?doi=10.1117/12.2007930},
doi = {10.1117/12.2007930},
year = {2013},
date = {2013-03-01},
booktitle = {Proc. SPIE},
volume = {8668},
pages = {866814},
keywords = {Phase-Contrast CT},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {inproceedings}
Fredenberg, Erik; Danielsson, Mats; Stayman, J. Webster; Siewerdsen, Jeffrey H.; Aslund, Magnus
Ideal-observer detectability in photon-counting differential phase-contrast imaging using a linear-systems approach. Journal Article
In: Medical physics, vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 5317–35, 2012, ISSN: 0094-2405.
Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Analysis, Phase-Contrast CT, Photon Counting
title = {Ideal-observer detectability in photon-counting differential phase-contrast imaging using a linear-systems approach.},
author = {Erik Fredenberg and Mats Danielsson and J. Webster Stayman and Jeffrey H. Siewerdsen and Magnus Aslund},
url = {http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=PMC3427340},
doi = {10.1118/1.4739195},
issn = {0094-2405},
year = {2012},
date = {2012-09-01},
journal = {Medical physics},
volume = {39},
number = {9},
pages = {5317--35},
abstract = {PURPOSE To provide a cascaded-systems framework based on the noise-power spectrum (NPS), modulation transfer function (MTF), and noise-equivalent number of quanta (NEQ) for quantitative evaluation of differential phase-contrast imaging (Talbot interferometry) in relation to conventional absorption contrast under equal-dose, equal-geometry, and, to some extent, equal-photon-economy constraints. The focus is a geometry for photon-counting mammography. METHODS Phase-contrast imaging is a promising technology that may emerge as an alternative or adjunct to conventional absorption contrast. In particular, phase contrast may increase the signal-difference-to-noise ratio compared to absorption contrast because the difference in phase shift between soft-tissue structures is often substantially larger than the absorption difference. We have developed a comprehensive cascaded-systems framework to investigate Talbot interferometry, which is a technique for differential phase-contrast imaging. Analytical expressions for the MTF and NPS were derived to calculate the NEQ and a task-specific ideal-observer detectability index under assumptions of linearity and shift invariance. Talbot interferometry was compared to absorption contrast at equal dose, and using either a plane wave or a spherical wave in a conceivable mammography geometry. The impact of source size and spectrum bandwidth was included in the framework, and the trade-off with photon economy was investigated in some detail. Wave-propagation simulations were used to verify the analytical expressions and to generate example images. RESULTS Talbot interferometry inherently detects the differential of the phase, which led to a maximum in NEQ at high spatial frequencies, whereas the absorption-contrast NEQ decreased monotonically with frequency. Further, phase contrast detects differences in density rather than atomic number, and the optimal imaging energy was found to be a factor of 1.7 higher than for absorption contrast. Talbot interferometry with a plane wave increased detectability for 0.1-mm tumor and glandular structures by a factor of 3-4 at equal dose, whereas absorption contrast was the preferred method for structures larger than ∼0.5 mm. Microcalcifications are small, but differ from soft tissue in atomic number more than density, which is favored by absorption contrast, and Talbot interferometry was barely beneficial at all within the resolution limit of the system. Further, Talbot interferometry favored detection of "sharp" as opposed to "smooth" structures, and discrimination tasks by about 50% compared to detection tasks. The technique was relatively insensitive to spectrum bandwidth, whereas the projected source size was more important. If equal photon economy was added as a restriction, phase-contrast efficiency was reduced so that the benefit for detection tasks almost vanished compared to absorption contrast, but discrimination tasks were still improved close to a factor of 2 at the resolution limit. CONCLUSIONS Cascaded-systems analysis enables comprehensive and intuitive evaluation of phase-contrast efficiency in relation to absorption contrast under requirements of equal dose, equal geometry, and equal photon economy. The benefit of Talbot interferometry was highly dependent on task, in particular detection versus discrimination tasks, and target size, shape, and material. Requiring equal photon economy weakened the benefit of Talbot interferometry in mammography.},
keywords = {Analysis, Phase-Contrast CT, Photon Counting},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}